How To Get Beautiful Eyes

The first thing a person does is to look in someone’s eyes when they meet them. It is unavoidable and it’s instant. Beautiful set of eyes attracts everyone. This article shares some information about making your eyes beautiful and attractive.

Never give too thin look of your eyebrows:

The most crucial part of someone’s eyes is their eyebrows. They give the shape to your face as well as your eyes. If they won’t look nice they will ruin the looks of the entire face. Therefore, it is always suggested to go for some professional so that they give them good shape. Make sure they won’t be thin, as thin eyebrows make your nose looks bigger and prominent.

Correctly use eye shadow:

If you want to pop your eyes, make sure to correctly use eye shadow. Always begin by using a primer as this will stick the eye shadow on its place. Use darker colors first within your eye crease in order to make the eyes look intensely set. Then use a lighter shadow on the lower lid. Always apply eye shadow in order to cover the whole area under the plucked brow.


Use of mascara:

Always apply mascara in two coats, followed by a heated eyelash curler. These two coats will give your eyes, dark cover. One of the best ways to heat your curler is by using the hair dryer or give it stove heat for a few seconds, and then applies it on your eyelashes. By this way you will have the best curls.


Always use liquid eyeliner:

If you want to give your eye liner long lasting effect than, always use a good quality liquid liner. Be very careful when applying liquid liner as they are very hard to remove if you make any error.


Sleep tight:

Sleep is another factor that makes your eyes fresh. Good sleep is far better than the make-ups. If you take proper sleep your eyes won’t get any dark circles and look fresh.