Egg and Honey Mask For Glowing Skin

Egg and Honey Mask For Moisturized and Glowing Skin

Egg and Honey Facial Mask
Egg and Honey Facial Mask

Everything that breathes, needs special care and good diet. So is  the case  with our skin, it not only needs care, but also proper feeding and cleaning. Water is very important for a glowing and moisturized skin. If you think that you are taking good care of your skin and still you are not getting the freshness you desire, you need to do something special for your skin. If you feel like your skin is dried out and tired looking, your rosy cheeks are becoming pale and dark circles are appearing around your eyes, here is the magical recipe to reveal your natural beauty.


Normally your skin is damaged due to harmful chemicals that are found in the atmosphere around you. Those are called free radicals and unfortunately they are not limited to cigarette smoke only. Your skin pores can absorb them from everywhere. You need some antioxidant containing ingredient to remove those chemicals and to tighten your pores. Honey has antioxidant properties so it is really good for the purpose. The egg contains Vitamin A that is an essential vitamin for good skin and nails. Egg works in two ways, egg white helps to tighten your pores so your skin looks smoother and younger, whether the egg yolk helps to nourish your skin. It also keeps your skin acne-free.

Here is the recipe of Egg and Honey mask which will put a glow on your face.

Take one egg, beat the egg white first until it becomes a bit stiff and foamy. Now add one teaspoon of honey make a thick paste by adding one tablespoon of powdered milk or cornmeal . Mix all the ingredients unless it becomes smooth. Now apply this mask onto your face and leave for 10-15 minutes. Rinse off with lukewarm water and pat dry with a soft face towel. Never rub your skin with a towel, just pat it softly. See the instant glow on your face.

This mask should be applied at least twice a week for best results.