Miraculous Hair Conditioners Straight From Your Kitchen


If you have recently noticed that your hair is becoming brittle, split ends are more prominent and moisture seems to be evicted from your hair, it’s time to give them a treat. You have two options, first one is an easy choice but a bit expensive, like you can visit a supermarket a buy  costly conditioner for you. The second one can take a bit of your time but it is totally inexpensive and have great results. If you go for the second choice, head towards your kitchen and we will prepare your hair conditioner straight from your kitchen cab.

Egg conditioner:

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Eggs are the richest source of protein and lecithin. Both of these things are active ingredients to add maximum moisturizing and shine to your dry hair. Egg yolk works as a serum which creates shine for hair. Crack and pour the egg in a bowl and beat it until it becomes smooth. Now cover your hair with this egg paste and let it stay for 10-15 minutes or unless it is dried. Now wash your hair with lukewarm or cold water. Don’t wash your hair with hot water or you will cook the egg yolk.



Mayonnaise is too good for conditioning your hair. It has the combination of olive oil, eggs and vinegar and all of these three ingredients are best for hair conditioning. Like you can use vinegar separately to add shine to your hair.



Yogurt contains lactic acid and it works as an outer hair polisher. It adds shine and bounce to your hair. If you have colored your hair, yogurt is the best conditioner as it is mild and easy to apply and wash. It has the finest stripping qualities so you can always rely on it if you are going to some party or get together. Also it helps to make hair fiber positive and absorbent for any proteins or treatments that you are taking for your hair.

Coconut Butter:


The best ingredient for a fine hair conditioning once in a week. Coconut milk’s properties are 10 times stronger in this butter.It not only adds shine, but also the volume and health to your fine hair.



Full of amino acid and proteins, this fruit is the best conditioner for the hair. Put avocados in an electric blender to form a smoothie and apply it to your hair. Keep one thing in your mind that these conditions can be applied freely like you can apply them from roots to tips, no need to avoid the roots. Natural ingredients never harm your hair.

Note: the application duration for all the masks given above is 15-20 minutes.