Just Another Amazing Face Mask From Your Kitchen (Banana Face Mask For Glowing Skin)

Bananas are natural containers of some very beneficial potent elements for glowing skin such as Vitamin A, B, E and Potassium. All of these four super powerful components have their own strength t fight against various skin problems for example, dark skin, pimples, aging signs, wrinkles, open pores, loose skin and other problems. Not only this wonderful fruit is good for health especially when used with milk, it can be equally useful for your skin. We have sorted out and tested a face mask recipe and found great results so it’s worthy to be shared with those who are sensitive about their skin.




One Ripe Banana

One tablespoon Lemon Juice

One Tablespoon Honey



This face mask is a bit tripping when you will apply it so don’t forget to cover your dress or wear some old shirt. Plus you have to make your face feel relaxed so apply this mask while seats in the bath tub or watching TV, reading magazines or whatever you want to do meanwhile. Don’t let your hair be loose around your face and tie them up tightly with a headband to save your hair from getting sticky (this face mask is sticky so be careful)Banana-Function-for-Facial-Skin1


Take a fully ripe banana in a bowl and make  a smooth paste out of it using fork. Make sure to mash it carefully and properly. Don’t let the lumps be with it. Now add 1 tsf or honey and another of lemon juice. Stir well until all of the ingredients are formed into a smooth paste. Wash your face to make it dirt free. Apply the mask and rub it gently, then put a thick layer on your face with the help of facial brush or fingers and let it stay over there for 15-20 minutes. After the time is up, wash your face with lukewarm water and pat dry.


Your skin will feel even, brighter and tighten after using this mask.
