DIY Cranberries and Brownsugar Facepack for a Busy Holiday

DIY cranberry face pack


Holidays are not really holidays, like, we may always find that one day to complete what we keep ignoring for whole week. It can be laundry, stitching or setting up wardrobes. Luckily if we get any weekend free from stressful routine, we try to go out for fun. So Sundays are always packed with fun or activity. Meanwhile, we keep ignoring our skin because we don’t have time for scheduling a beauty parlor or spa visit. So here is your chance to give a boost to your beauty. We have chosen an amazing face pack for your busy schedule. You don’t need to visit any super market to buy the ingredients as you must have them in your kitchen. Cranberries are the main ingredient for the face pack. Cranberries are so good to heal skin problems like eczema and acne. Plus it has coconut oil which is extremely nourishing. Mint is refreshing and brown sugar is exfoliating ingredient.

Cranberry & Brown sugar facepack
Cranberry & Brown sugar facepack



Half cup of fresh or frozen cranberries

1 cup of brown sugar

¼ cup coconut oil

Mint leaves, 6


Put cranberries and mint in a blunder. Blend until you get a smoothie paste. Add brown sugar and mix. Now take coconut oil in a pan and heat until it is melted, add this to the smooth paste and mix. Let the mixture get to the lukewarm temperature. When it is done, apply this to your face and let it rest for 10 minutes. Pour the remaining liquid in some zipped or airtight bag. Freeze for next use. It makes 6-7 applications. Run the bag into hot water for some moments to make it normal every time when you want to use it.
