How to Get Smoky Eyes

A smoky eye look can add a bit drama to any look. Learn how to apply both a classic or a dramatic smoky eye with these great and easy tips.



1. Getting Started

Choose the colors. Any of your favourite color can be used to make a smoky eye.  But you will need at least 3 shades of a similar shade. The classic smoky eye is usually made with black or gray as well as bronze and brown are also used.

  • Green eyes look great with: gray and plum smoky eye, blue eyes pop with gold or copper and brown eyes look amazing with hue of navy and gray.
  • You need to choose 3 shades of every color: a light, a medium base, and a dark color.
  • Avoid taking colors that are too bright, or if you have very light skin too dark.



2. The right supplies

It may be easy to choose the first three shades of eyeshadow you find with a sponge applicator, the perfect smoky eye is made using the proper supplies.

  • Using loose powders will give you amazing blending ability, which is necessary for making a great smoky eye. You have the right to use pressed powders and cream shadows, but for the better look find loose eyeshadow.
  • Take the pitch-black eyeliner to emphasize your smoky eye. You may use a pencil, liquid eyeliner or cream, and each will work just great.
  • Be sure to use only  good quality brushes. You can find them at any beauty supply stores.
  • Be sure to have a large fluffy brush


3. Utilize your face makeup

Before you put on smoky eye, you need to create neutral palette.

  • You have the option to apply both blush or bronzer to add dimension to your face.
  • Make sure that your eyebrows are colored and well-shaped.


4. Creating  Classic Smoky Eye

  • The highlighter is the lightest of your 3 eyeshadow hue. Use your eyeshadow brush, poke it on the inside corner of the eyelid on both upper and lower lids. Peel it directly under your eyebrows, from the beginning till the end of your brows.
  • Take the middle eyeshadow hue and sweep it over the entire eyelid.
  • Blend it at the inside corners with the highlighter, to get a harsh divide between 2 colors. Apply it only to the natural fold on your lid.
  • Begin to add your darkest color. Begin at the outside corner of your eyes and sweep from the about halfway inside
  • The darkest part need to be always as the point at the upper edge.
  • Don’t apply the colour too far.
  • Put a little of your dark hue under your eye.
  • Start by blending the lightest shadows. Blend the dark fold shadow outside towards your browbone.
  • Put you eyeliner from the inside corner lash line towards the end of your eyebrow
  • Carefully apply your beautiful mascar.
  • Brush away any surplus color
