23 Beauty Hacks You’ll Wish You’d Known Sooner

Time is something all of us wish we had more of, especially for us women when it relates to our daily beauty routines. These amazing hacks will make your daily beauty routines not only easier, but save you some of that precious extra time all us girls want and need.

#17 Use coconut oil for instantly soft and smooth skin

Get soft and smooth skin using coconut oil, it works better than other moisturizer and skin conditioners because it has fatty acids that rejuvenate your skin. It can also be used as a makeup remover just apply it on your skin and work it in with a soft pad.

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#18 Bobby pin 101

There is a right way of using a bobby pin

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#19 Use translucent powder for plump lashes

Coat your lashes with some translucent powder before applying mascara to help plump them up, in a budget friendly manner.

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#20 Rejuvenate your mascara

If your mascara isn’t applying smoothly you might need to rejuvenate it, by applying a little saline in the tube you can stretch out the life of your mascara little longer.

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